Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

hacking harmless chapter 4

Vol. 2 Number 4
More intro to TCP/IP: port surfing! Daemons! How to get on almost any computer without logging in and without breaking the law. Impress your clueless friends and actually discover kewl, legal, safe stuph.
A few days ago I had a lady friend visiting. She’s 42 and doesn’t own a computer. However, she is taking a class on personal computers at a community college. She wanted to know what all this hacking stuph is about. So I decided to introduce her to port surfing. And while doing it, we stumbled across something kewl.
Port surfing takes advantage of the structure of TCP/IP. This is the protocol (set of rules) used for computers to talk to each other over the Internet. One of the basic principles of Unix (the most popular operating system on the Internet) is to assign a “port” to every function that one computer might command another to perform. Common examples are to send and receive email, read Usenet newsgroups, telnet, transfer files, and offer Web pages.
Newbie note #1: A computer port is a place where information goes in or out of it. On your home computer, examples of ports are your monitor, which sends information out, your keyboard and mouse, which send information in, and your modem, which sends information both out and in.
But an Internet host computer such as callisto.unm.edu has many more ports than a typical home computer. These ports are identified by numbers. Now these are not all physical ports, like a keyboard or RS232 serial port (for your modem). They are virtual (software) ports.
A “service” is a program running on a “port.” When you telnet to a port, that program is up and running, just waiting for your input. Happy hacking!
So if you want to read a Web page, your browser contacts port number 80 and tells the computer that manages that Web site to let you in. And, sure enough, you get into that Web server computer without a password.
OK, big deal. That’s pretty standard for the Internet. Many -- most -- computers on the Internet will let you do some things with them without needing a password,
However, the essence of hacking is doing things that aren’t obvious. That don’t just jump out at you from the manuals. One way you can move a step up from the run of the mill computer user is to learn how to port surf.
The essence of port surfing is to pick out a target computer and explore it to see what ports are open and what you can do with them.
Now if you are a lazy hacker you can use canned hacker tools such as Satan or Netcat. These are programs you can run from Linux, FreeBSD or Solaris (all types of Unix) from your PC. They automatically scan your target computers. They will tell you what ports are in use. They will also probe these ports for presence of daemons with know security flaws, and tell you what they are.
Newbie note # 2: A daemon is not some sort of grinch or gremlin or 666 guy. It is a program that runs in the background on many (but not all) Unix system ports. It waits for you to come along and use it. If you find a daemon on a port, it’s probably hackable. Some hacker tools will tell you what the hackable features are of the daemons they detect.
However, there are several reasons to surf ports by hand instead of automatically.
1) You will learn something. Probing manually you get a gut feel for how the daemon running on that port behaves. It’s the difference between watching an x-rated movie and (blush).
2) You can impress your friends. If you run a canned hacker tool like Satan your friends will look at you and say, “Big deal. I can run programs, too.” They will immediately catch on to the dirty little secret of the hacker world. Most hacking exploits are just lamerz running programs they picked up from some BBS or ftp site. But if you enter commands keystroke by keystroke they will see you using your brain. And you can help them play with daemons, too, and give them a giant rush.
3) The truly elite hackers surf ports and play with daemons by hand because it is the only way to discover something new. There are only a few hundred hackers -- at most -- who discover new stuph. The rest just run canned exploits over and over and over again. Boring. But I am teaching you how to reach the pinnacle of hackerdom.
Now let me tell you what my middle aged friend and I discovered just messing around. First, we decided we didn’t want to waste our time messing with some minor little host computer. Hey, let’s go for the big time!
So how do you find a big kahuna computer on the Internet? We started with a domain which consisted of a LAN of PCs running Linux that I happened to already know about, that is used by the New Mexico Internet Access ISP: nmia.com.
Newbie Note # 3: A domain is an Internet address. You can use it to look up who runs the computers used by the domain, and also to look up how that domain is connected to the rest of the Internet.
So to do this we first logged into my shell account with Southwest Cyberport. I gave the command:
[66] ->whois nmia.com
New Mexico Internet Access (NMIA-DOM)
2201 Buena Vista SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Domain Name: NMIA.COM
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
Orrell, Stan (SO11) SAO@NMIA.COM
(505) 877-0617
Record last updated on 11-Mar-94.
Record created on 11-Mar-94.
Domain servers in listed order:
Now it’s a good bet that grande.nm.org is serving a lot of other Internet hosts beside nmia.com. Here’s how we port surf our way to find this out:
[67] ->telnet grande.nm.org 15
Trying ...
Connected to grande.nm.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
TGV MultiNet V3.5 Rev B, VAX 4000-400, OpenVMS VAX V6.1
Product License Authorization Expiration Date
---------- ------- ------------- ---------------
MULTINET Yes A-137-1641 (none)
NFS-CLIENT Yes A-137-113237 (none)
Device Adapter CSR Address Flags/Vector
------ ------- ----------- ------------
se0 (Shared VMS Ethernet/FDDI) -NONE- -NONE- -NONE-
MultiNet Active Connections, including servers:
Proto Rcv-Q Snd-Q Local Address (Port) Foreign Address (Port) State
----- ----- ----- ------------------ ------------------ -----
TCP 0 0 *(FTP) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(SMTP) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(LOGIN) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(SHELL) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(EXEC) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(RPC) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(TIME) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(ECHO) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(POP2) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(POP3) *(*) LISTEN
TCP 0 0 *(FS) *(*) LISTEN
UDP 0 0 *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(TFTP) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(BOOTPS) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(KERBEROS) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(*) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(SNMP) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(RPC) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(DAYTIME) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(ECHO) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(DISCARD) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(TIME) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(CHARGEN) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(TALK) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(NTALK) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(1023) *(*)
UDP 0 0 *(XDMCP) *(*)
MultiNet registered RPC programs:
Program Version Protocol Port
------- ------- -------- ----
MultiNet IP Routing tables:
Destination Gateway Flags Refcnt Use Interface MTU
---------- ---------- ----- ------ ----- --------- ---- LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 2 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 4162 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 71 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 298 se0 1500 Up,Host 5 1183513 lo0 4136 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 640 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 729 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 5 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 2641 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 1 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 109 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 78 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 4 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 113 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 1100 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 385 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 78 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 19 se0 1500 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 82 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 198 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 3 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 3052 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 1451 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 1122 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 14 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 180 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 10117 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 249 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 547 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 1125 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 97 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 2093 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 315 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 1825 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 11362 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 73 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 1134 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 3397 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 17 se0 1006 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 69 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 25 se0 1500 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway,H 0 20 se0 1500
164.64.0 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 1 40377 se0 1500
0.0.0 ENSS365.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 2 4728741 se0 1500
207.66.1 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 51 se0 1500
205.166.1 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1978 se0 1500
204.134.1 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 54 se0 1500
204.134.2 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 138 se0 1500
192.132.2 Up,Gateway 0 6345 se0 1500
204.134.67 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 2022 se0 1500
206.206.67 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 7778 se0 1500
206.206.68 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3185 se0 1500
207.66.5 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 626 se0 1500
204.134.69 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 7990 se0 1500
207.66.6 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 53 se0 1500
204.134.70 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 18011 se0 1500
192.188.135 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 5 se0 1500
206.206.71 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 2 se0 1500
204.134.7 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 38 se0 1500
199.89.135 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 99 se0 1500
198.59.136 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1293 se0 1500
204.134.9 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 21 se0 1500
204.134.73 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 59794 se0 1500
129.138.0 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 5262 se0 1500
192.92.10 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 163 se0 1500
206.206.75 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 604 se0 1500
207.66.13 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1184 se0 1500
204.134.77 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3649 se0 1500
207.66.14 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 334 se0 1500
204.134.78 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 239 se0 1500
204.52.207 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 293 se0 1500
204.134.79 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1294 se0 1500
192.160.144 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 117 se0 1500
206.206.80 PENNY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 4663 se0 1500
204.134.80 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 91 se0 1500
198.99.209 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1136 se0 1500
207.66.17 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 24173 se0 1500
204.134.82 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 29766 se0 1500
192.41.211 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 155 se0 1500
192.189.147 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3133 se0 1500
204.134.84 PENNY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 189 se0 1500
204.134.87 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 94 se0 1500
146.88.0 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 140 se0 1500
192.84.24 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3530 se0 1500
204.134.88 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 136 se0 1500
198.49.217 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 303 se0 1500
192.132.89 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3513 se0 1500
198.176.219 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1278 se0 1500
206.206.92 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1228 se0 1500
192.234.220 Up,Gateway 0 2337 se0 1500
204.134.92 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 13995 se0 1500
198.59.157 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 508 se0 1500
206.206.93 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 635 se0 1500
204.134.93 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 907 se0 1500
198.59.158 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 14214 se0 1500
198.59.159 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1806 se0 1500
204.134.95 PENNY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3644 se0 1500
206.206.96 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 990 se0 1500
206.206.161 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 528 se0 1500
198.59.97 PENNY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 55 se0 1500
198.59.161 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 497 se0 1500
192.207.226 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 93217 se0 1500
198.59.99 PENNY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 2 se0 1500
198.59.163 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3379 se0 1500
192.133.100 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3649 se0 1500
204.134.100 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 8 se0 1500
128.165.0 PENNY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 15851 se0 1500
198.59.165 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 274 se0 1500
206.206.165 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 167 se0 1500
206.206.102 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 5316 se0 1500
160.230.0 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 19408 se0 1500
206.206.166 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1756 se0 1500
205.166.231 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 324 se0 1500
198.59.167 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1568 se0 1500
206.206.103 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3629 se0 1500
198.59.168 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 9063 se0 1500
206.206.104 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 7333 se0 1500
206.206.168 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 234 se0 1500
204.134.105 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 4826 se0 1500
206.206.105 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 422 se0 1500
204.134.41 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 41782 se0 1500
206.206.169 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 5101 se0 1500
204.134.42 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 10761 se0 1500
206.206.170 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 916 se0 1500
198.49.44 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3 se0 1500
198.59.108 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 2129 se0 1500
204.29.236 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 125 se0 1500
206.206.172 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 5839 se0 1500
204.134.108 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3216 se0 1500
206.206.173 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 374 se0 1500
198.175.173 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 6227 se0 1500
198.59.110 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1797 se0 1500
198.51.238 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1356 se0 1500
192.136.110 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 583 se0 1500
204.134.48 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 42 se0 1500
198.175.176 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 32 se0 1500
206.206.114 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 44 se0 1500
206.206.179 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 14 se0 1500
198.59.179 PENNY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 222 se0 1500
198.59.115 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 1 132886 se0 1500
206.206.181 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1354 se0 1500
206.206.182 SIENNA.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 16 se0 1500
206.206.118 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3423 se0 1500
206.206.119 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 282 se0 1500
206.206.183 SIENNA.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 2473 se0 1500
143.120.0 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 123533 se0 1500
206.206.184 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1114 se0 1500
205.167.120 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 4202 se0 1500
206.206.121 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 1 71 se0 1500
129.121.0 GRANDE.NM.ORG Up 12 21658599 se0 1500
204.134.122 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 195 se0 1500
204.134.58 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 7707 se0 1500
128.123.0 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 34416 se0 1500
204.134.59 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1007 se0 1500
204.134.124 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 37160 se0 1500
206.206.124 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 79 se0 1500
206.206.125 PENNY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 233359 se0 1500
204.134.126 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 497 se0 1500
206.206.126 LAWRII.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 13644 se0 1500
204.69.190 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 4059 se0 1500
206.206.190 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 1630 se0 1500
204.134.127 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 45621 se0 1500
206.206.191 GLORY.NM.ORG Up,Gateway 0 3574 se0 1500
MultiNet IPX Routing tables:
Destination Gateway Flags Refcnt Use Interface MTU
---------- ---------- ----- ------ ----- --------- ----
MultiNet ARP table:
Host Network Address Ethernet Address Arp Flags
-------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------
GLORY.NM.ORG (IP AA:00:04:00:61:D0 Temporary
[UNKNOWN] (IP 00:C0:05:01:2C:D2 Temporary
NARANJO.NM.ORG (IP 08:00:87:04:9F:42 Temporary
CHAMA.NM.ORG (IP AA:00:04:00:0C:D0 Temporary
[UNKNOWN] (IP AA:00:04:00:D2:D0 Temporary
LAWRII.NM.ORG (IP AA:00:04:00:5C:D0 Temporary
[UNKNOWN] (IP 00:C0:05:01:2C:D2 Temporary
BRAVO.NM.ORG (IP AA:00:04:00:0B:D0 Temporary
PENNY.NM.ORG (IP AA:00:04:00:5F:D0 Temporary
ARRIBA.NM.ORG (IP 08:00:2B:BC:C1:A7 Temporary
AZUL.NM.ORG (IP 08:00:87:00:A1:D3 Temporary
ENSS365.NM.ORG (IP 00:00:0C:51:EF:58 Temporary
AVATAR.NM.ORG (IP 08:00:5A:1D:52:0D Temporary
[UNKNOWN] (IP 08:00:5A:47:4A:1D Temporary
[UNKNOWN] (IP 00:C0:7B:5F:5F:80 Temporary
CONCHAS.NM.ORG (IP 08:00:5A:47:4A:1D Temporary
[UNKNOWN] (IP AA:00:04:00:4B:D0 Temporary
MultiNet Network Interface statistics:
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis
---- --- ------- -------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------
se0 1500 129.121.0 GRANDE.NM.ORG 68422948 0 53492833 1 0
lo0 4136 127.0.0 1188191 0 1188191 0 0
MultiNet Protocol statistics:
65264173 IP packets received
22 IP packets smaller than minimum size
6928 IP fragments received
4 IP fragments timed out
34 IP received for unreachable destinations
704140 ICMP error packets generated
9667 ICMP opcodes out of range
4170 Bad ICMP packet checksums
734363 ICMP responses
734363 ICMP "Echo" packets received
734363 ICMP "Echo Reply" packets sent
18339 ICMP "Echo Reply" packets received
704140 ICMP "Destination Unreachable" packets sent
451243 ICMP "Destination Unreachable" packets received
1488 ICMP "Source Quench" packets received
163911 ICMP "ReDirect" packets received
189732 ICMP "Time Exceeded" packets received
126966 TCP connections initiated
233998 TCP connections established
132611 TCP connections accepted
67972 TCP connections dropped
28182 embryonic TCP connections dropped
269399 TCP connections closed
10711838 TCP segments timed for RTT
10505140 TCP segments updated RTT
3927264 TCP delayed ACKs sent
666 TCP connections dropped due to retransmit timeouts
111040 TCP retransmit timeouts
3136 TCP persist timeouts
9 TCP persist connection drops
16850 TCP keepalive timeouts
1195 TCP keepalive probes sent
14392 TCP connections dropped due to keepalive timeouts
28842663 TCP packets sent
12714484 TCP data packets sent
1206060086 TCP data bytes sent
58321 TCP data packets retransmitted
22144036 TCP data bytes retransmitted
6802199 TCP ACK-only packets sent
1502 TCP window probes sent
483 TCP URG-only packets sent
8906175 TCP Window-Update-only packets sent
359509 TCP control packets sent
38675084 TCP packets received
28399363 TCP packets received in sequence
1929418386 TCP bytes received in sequence
25207 TCP packets with checksum errors
273374 TCP packets were duplicates
230525708 TCP bytes were duplicates
3748 TCP packets had some duplicate bytes
493214 TCP bytes were partial duplicates
2317156 TCP packets were out of order
3151204672 TCP bytes were out of order
1915 TCP packets had data after window
865443 TCP bytes were after window
5804 TCP packets for already closed connection
941 TCP packets were window probes
10847459 TCP packets had ACKs
222657 TCP packets had duplicate ACKs
1 TCP packet ACKed unsent data
1200274739 TCP bytes ACKed
141545 TCP packets had window updates
13 TCP segments dropped due to PAWS
4658158 TCP segments were predicted pure-ACKs
24033756 TCP segments were predicted pure-data
8087980 TCP PCB cache misses
305 Bad UDP header checksums
17 Bad UDP data length fields
23772272 UDP PCB cache misses
MultiNet Buffer Statistics:
388 out of 608 buffers in use:
30 buffers allocated to Data.
10 buffers allocated to Packet Headers.
66 buffers allocated to Socket Structures.
57 buffers allocated to Protocol Control Blocks.
163 buffers allocated to Routing Table Entries.
2 buffers allocated to Socket Names and Addresses.
48 buffers allocated to Kernel Fork-Processes.
2 buffers allocated to Interface Addresses.
1 buffer allocated to Multicast Addresses.
1 buffer allocated to Timeout Callbacks.
6 buffers allocated to Memory Management.
2 buffers allocated to Network TTY Control Blocks.
11 out of 43 page clusters in use.
11 CXBs borrowed from VMS device drivers
2 CXBs waiting to return to the VMS device drivers
162 Kbytes allocated to MultiNet buffers (44% in use).
226 Kbytes of allocated buffer address space (0% of maximum).
Connection closed by foreign host.
[68] ->
Whoa! What was all that?
What we did was telnet to port 15 -- the netstat port-- which on some computers runs a daemon that tells anybody who cares to drop in just about everything about the connection made by all the computers linked to the Internet through this computer.
So from this we learned two things:
1) Grande.nm.org is a very busy and important computer.
2) Even a very busy and important computer can let the random port surfer come and play.
So my lady friend wanted to try out another port. I suggested the finger port, number 79. So she gave the command:
[68] ->telnet grande.nm.org 79
Trying ...
Connected to grande.nm.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
?Sorry, could not find "FINGER"
Connection closed by foreign host.
[69] ->telnet grande.nm.org 79
Trying ...
Connected to grande.nm.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
?Sorry, could not find "HELP"
Connection closed by foreign host.
[69] ->telnet grande.nm.org 79
Trying ...
Connected to grande.nm.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
?Sorry, could not find "?"
Connection closed by foreign host.
[69] ->telnet grande.nm.org 79
Trying ...
Connected to grande.nm.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
?Sorry, could not find "MAN"
Connection closed by foreign host.
[69] ->
At first this looks like just a bunch of failed commands. But actually this is pretty fascinating. The reason is that port 79 is, under IETF rules, supposed to run fingerd, the finger daemon. So when she gave the command “finger” and grande.nm.org said ?Sorry, could not find "FINGER,” we knew this port was not following IETF rules.
Now on may computers they don’t run the finger daemon at all. This is because finger has so properties that can be used to gain total control of the computer that runs it.
But if finger is shut down, and nothing else is running on port 79, we woudl get the answer:
telnet: connect: Connection refused.
But instead we got connected and grande.nm.org was waiting for a command.
Now the normal thing a port surfer does when running an unfmiliar daemon is to coax it into revealing what commands it uses. “Help,” “?” and “man” often work. But it didn’t help us.
But even though these commands didn’t help us, they did tell us that the daemon is probably something sensitive. If it were a daemon that was meant for anybody and his brother to use, it would have given us instructions.
So what did we do next? We decided to be good Internet citizens and also stay out of jail We decided we’d beter log off.
But there was one hack we decided to do first: leave our mark on the shell log file.
The shell log file keeps a record of all operating system commands made on a computer. The adminsitrator of an obviously important computer such as grande.nm.org is probably competent enough to scan the records of what commands are given by whom to his computer. Especially on a port important enough to be running a mystery, non-IETF daemon. So everything we types while connected was saved on a log.
So my friend giggled with glee and left a few messages on port 79 before logging off. Oh, dear, I do believe she’s hooked on hacking. Hmmm, it could be a good way to meet cute sysadmins...
So, port surf’s up! If you want to surf, here’s the basics:
1) Get logged on to a shell account. That’s an account with your ISP that lets you give Unix commands. Or -- run Linux or some other kind of Unix on your PC and hook up to the Internet.
2) Give the command “telnet “ where is the internet address of the computer you wnat to visit and is whatever looks phun to you.
3) If you get the response “connected to ,” then surf’s up!
Following are some of my favorite ports. It is legal and harmless to pay them visits so long as you don’t figure out how to gain superuser status while playing with them. However, please note that if you do too much port surfing from your shell account, your sysadmin may notice this in his or her shell log file. If he or she is prejudiced against hacking , you may get kicked off your ISP. So you may want to explain in advance that you are merely a harmless hacker looking to have a good time, er, um, learn about Unix. Yeh, that sounds good...
Port number Service Why it’s phun!
7 echo Whatever you type in, the host repeats back to you, used for ping
9 discard Dev/null -- how fast can you figure out this one?
11 systat Lots of info on users
13 daytime Time and date at computer’s location
15 netstat Tremendous info on networks but rarely used any more
19 chargen Pours out a stream of ASCII characters. Use ^C to stop.
21 ftp Transfers files
22 ssh secure shell login -- encrypted tunnel
23 telnet Where you log in if you don’t use ssh:)
25 smpt Forge email from Bill.Gates@Microsoft.org.
37 time Time
39 rlp Resource location
43 whois Info on hosts and networks
53 domain Nameserver
70 gopher Out-of-date info hunter
79 finger Lots of info on users
80 http Web server
110 pop Incoming email
119 nntp Usenet news groups -- forge posts, cancels
443 shttp Another web server
512 biff Mail notification
513 rlogin Remote login
who Remote who and uptime
514 shell Remote command, no password used!
syslog Remote system logging -- how we bust hackers
520 route Routing information protocol
Propeller head tip: Note that in most cases an Internet host will use these port number assignments for these services. More than one service may also be assigned simultaneously to the same port. This numbering system is voluntarily offered by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). That means that an Internet host may use other ports for these services. Expect the unexpected!
If you have a copy of Linux, you can get the list of all the IETF assignments of port numbers in the file /etc/services.
To subscribe to the Happy Hacker list, email hacker@techbroker.com with messge “subscribe hh.” Send me confidential email (please, no discussions of illegal activities) use cmeinel@techbroker.com. Please direct flames to dev/null@techbroker.com. Happy hacking!
Copyright 1996 Carolyn P. Meinel. You may forward the GUIDE TO (mostly) HARMLESS HACKING as long as you leave this notice at the end..

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